By looking at this double page spread I can tell it has been taken from a pop magazine. I know this because the colours used are bright and bright colours are often used throughout a pop magazine. Another way I know  this double page spread is of a pop genre is that the artists shown fit into the pop genre. Also the whole double page spread has a fun and light hearted element to it which is something that is often seen in pop magazines and not in magazines of a different genre such as rock. 

This double page spread focuses on one artist. A band called The Jonas Brothers. On the double page spread the band are represented as teenage heartthrobs that lots of girls would like and find attractive. I know this because they are all posing in a seductive and intense way to attract girls. Also they are shown as being down to earth. I think this because they are wearing normal clothing just like us. As well as this they are looking straight down the camera lense and look as though they are looking directly at us. This is done to make us feel like we can relate to them and be just like them. 

The target audience for this double page spread is teenage girls. I know this because the colour scheme for this page uses a lot of pink and pink is a colour that is often associated with girls. Another way I know the target audience is girls is that their is a big picture of good looking guys that fills the whole page. This image will most definitely attracts girls and probably not guys. Also the main title for the article on this page is 'Brother Love'. This title is targeted at girls and would interest girls and not boys. Also the quotes from the band written in the article will be of interest to girls and not boys. 

On the left hand page their is a mid shot showing the band that takes up most of the page. This shot is high angle. This is done so that it looks like we as the audience are looking down on them. This makes us feel superior to them or make us feel like we know them even though they are big famous celebrities. On the right hand page their are shots of the band rehearsing and performing. These shots look like they are taken backstage. These shots include long shots, medium shots and two shots. 

The article is set out into four columns. Also their is a big picture of the band on the left hand side and four smaller ones on the right hand side. As well as this the title for the article is written in a large font and positioned 3/4 of the way down on the left hand page.