This magazine contents page is taken from a pop magazine. This is shown throuhg the use of colour, which are bright and happy. Throughout pop music magazines you will notice a use of a three colours which are used to show a continuous colour scheme and is also use to allow the audience to notice a music magazine when it is on the shelve in a shop and be able to look at it and automatically think that is a pop magazine. Also the artists featured on the contents page such as Beyonce, McFly and Blue are associated with the pop music genre. The band 'Blue' are used to attract girls as they are hunky men and this is somethin girls will want to look at and these types of images are expected to be seen in music magazinesa. As well as this, this page has a light-hearted feel to it and contains jokes which is common feature of pop magazines, which allows to make the target audience warm to the magazine which will want them to experience this again therfore buying th emagazine again.

The target audience for this magazine is teenage girls. Throughout my research and planning i have found out that if not all but the majority of pop magazines are aimed at tennage girl. This is shown by this particluar pop magzines contents page as the main colour used on this page is pink and pink is known as a girly colour and although that i seen as a sterotype for girly girls thats what attracts girls to read magazines so therefore you see the majority of pop mazines with mainly pink as a main colour saeen throughout the magazine. Also the magazine contains a main story about boy band The Blues which will appeal to girls. As well as this the magazine contains a story about McFly who's main target audience is girls. Even though this magazine has two boy band featuring in it, it also has parts on 'Ashlee simpson' and 'Beyonce' this gives the magazine a balance and isn't just focused on boy bands so girls also are able to realte to female artists.  

The contents page is set out in two columns which gives the magazine a balance so that its not all information and to crowded by boxes and collumns. This is also seen through the use of images which helps to balance out the magzine and gives it something more inetersting and allows the contents page to look exciting ad this could help to represxent inside the magazine and the contents page is there to tell you whats inside but the images also show you without giving too much away. Also their is a banner running across the bottom with details about writers and photographers for the magazine. On the left hand side of the page their is a list of each article and the page number for each one. On the right hand side of the page their are pictures of pop artists with captions and a letter to the reader from the magazine editor. There is also a page number in the right bottom corner of the page. Moreover the 'Smashhits' logo is positioned in the top right corner of the page as it not so much about the name of the magzine as we saw this on the front cover and now the main focus is to suggest about the inside of the magzine giving excitement to the reader.  

The artists shown on the contents page are represented as normal and down to earth this is to realte to the target audience and allow them to feel a relavance to the magazine and the artists. This is shown through the clothes in which they are wearing. The use of casual clothes also allows a relevance to the target audience, and the pictures look natural this shows them being more real and doesn't allow the target audience to feel they are being fake and unreal. Also in one of the pictures on the page Dermot O' Leary is looking straight down the camera lense and looks as though he is looking directly at us. This makes him relatable and gives the target audienced the sense that the magazine is for them and makes them feelt that they relate to the magazine. 

On the contents page there is a close up of Dermot O' Leary, this shows his up close and might insist that inside the magazine that there may be informartion that shows dermot in a more open way and giving information that you may not know before but will now, maybe information about him on a personal level. Also their is a two-shot of Friday hill. This picture shows the two of them hanging out and having fun, this may be something that the target audience does wiht their friends on the weekend and they may feel like they can relate to the magzine gain because its something they do personally. As well as this there is a medium close up of Sean performing at a gig, this may give the reader a sense of what a gig is like if thay have not been to a gig before this could allow the person to want to go to a gig, therefore the magazine is giving them excitement. Then at the bottom of the page there is a 3-shot of the boy band 'blue', this shot is used to show their aggressive body language towards each other although you can see that it is playful and they are not being serious.