The masthead of the magazine is normally the thing that audiences look at apart from the main image on the front of the magazine.  The masthead of this magazine is bold font and is large. This helps to draw the attention of the audience to the magazine. The use of upper case helps to do this also as it is striking and attention grabbing. This help to allow the audience to notice the magazine on the shelves if the shop that It is in and leading to people to purchase the magazine. Also the use of pink font helps the audience to define whether it is a magazine with what target audience specification. With this particular masthead we are able to see that the magazine is for more of a girl of the ages of 13-15 maybe even 12-15. This is shown by the masthead as the colours used are pinks and purples. Without being sexist these are colours that are used more to resembles girls therefore the magazine has used the colours in the masthead to show this.

The image also known as the Main image is the image that is centred in the middle of the magazine as it is also one of the first things that you see when you look at a magazine on the shelve in a shop. The main image on the front cover of this magazine is a medium close up which allows this shot of Britney spears to show her upper body which is from the waist up. Britney has her arms up and are by the side of her face although this could make her look vulnerable she also has an attitude about her. This allows her to relate to the target audience and give them some inspiration. She is facing directly with her body position which allows the audience when looking at the magazine on the shelf to feel as if Britney is actually looking at them making them pick up the magazine and take a closer look at her then into the magazine.

The sell-lines of the magazine are to help the magazine to temp to target audience to pick up or in fact decide to purchase the magazine. The sell-lines on the magazine help to pull in the audience and help to interest them with subtle but tempting information about what is going to be inside the magazine. The main sell-line of this magazine the text found at the top right of the magazine. The Main sell line is used to attract the audience with a completion or a prize and a free gift. With the magazine it is ‘free pop badges and a Craig poster mag’. This sell line helps attract the target audience as this is something that would like and by purchasing this magazine they would get these freebies and extra bits in the magazine. The smaller sell-lines on the left hand side of the magazine are there to allow the target audience to have some excitement when picking up the magazine on the shelve as they feel like that’s something I would want to know and read about. On this magazine the sell-line such as ‘which pop star was a school misfit’. This attracts the target audience as they are at a age where they are at school and could be facing being a misfit at school and feel that buy reading the magazine they can relate to this particular story. Another sell-line on the magazine which is instantly going to attract the target audience is the ‘win a call from your favourite pop star’. This sell would instantly attract the target audience profile as it suddenly makes them thing wow I could talk to my favourite pop star on the phone and I have to buy this magazine so I can win the chance as it would make my dreams come true. The colour of the sell-lines are pink and purple and these colours are seen throughout the front cover of the magazine therefore they have used these colours in the sell-lines to show a fluent colour scheme throughout the magazine and this helps to show that these colours are what are going to also be seen throughout the inside of the magazine. These colours also help to attract a certain target audience as these colours are girly and usually seen throughout girl’s magazines and used with girls. The mode of address used in this magazine is informal and is language used for teenagers. Although there is no slang used as such there is a use of shortened words which could look like its slag on the magazine we see ‘OH BEHAVE, BRITNEY!’. This is some sort of slang with the use of the word ‘oh’ as this is a word that is also used in ‘OMG!’ which teenagers are often seen to use amongst themselves and their friends.

The layout of the magazine is where everything is placed and put onto the magazine. This can help create the magazine to how you want it to be like and with the slightest of changes it can change the whole magazine. The sell-lines on the magazine are on the left hand side and there is one in the top right hand corner. The reason the sell-lines are placed on the left hand side is because we read from left to right and the sell-lines are placed on the magazine to make you want to buy the magazine and read what is inside the magazine. The front cover has quite a lot text and imagery on the front so therefore it could be seen as cluttered but everything that is on the magazine is everything that should expect to see on the front therefore it doesn’t look that cluttered. Without everything on the front cover that is on their now you wouldn’t get half the information about the magazine that you would now this because the front cover has followed all of the codes and conventions. The front cover is also quite busy but in a good way because the target audience aren’t going to be boring as they are in their early teens meaning they are hyper and excited therefore the magazine is relating to the target audience therefore the busyness has a positive outcome.