The genre of this magazine is pop. This is shown through the use of colours because they are bright and represent pop due to the use of bright colours such a yellow, pink, and bright blue. These are colours often useed to represents girls and this helps due to the fact that the target audience of pop magzines are teenage girls. Also the artists featured on the contents page are part of the pop genre. As well as this the contents page has a light hearted fun element to it which is associated  with the pop genre and if this magazine was rock then it would not have thid light hearted feel to it.

The target audience for this magazine is teenage girls. This is shown because the magazine uses girly colours such as a lot of pink and this appeals to girls and is known as an girly colour although this could be seen as a sterotype but it is true that these are used to symblise girl therefore pop magazines use them. Also the magazine features articles like we heart boys and has a picture of boyband one direction this is a popular band with teenage girls therefor pop magazines will use these boy bands to get the target audiences attention leading them to purchase the magazine.
The information on the contents page is put into 3 three columns this is to allow an een proportion the informationa and not just in one long column. Also there is a picture of the magazine cover on the left hand side and a banner that says "inside the mag" running across the top of the page, This helps to gie ecxcitement to the magazine and make you want to see whats inside. The contents page also has a page number at the bottom of the page positioned in the centre. The use of information which is represented and shown with numbers helps to make the contents page and information easier which allows the contents page to be more exciting and interesting allowing the information to be exicitng and less formal.

The people (artists) shown on the contents page are represented as happy and content. I know this because they all are smiling whihc allows them to be shown as happy to the target audience also allowing them to relate to the magazine and the artists themselves. Also they are shown as being 'perfect' but still down to earth at the same time. This is shown through the images which have been air-brushed to make them look amazing but they are wearing normal clothes as worn by anyone allowing them to realte to the target audience again. Also they are shown as being just like the target audience as they are looking straight down the camera lense and look as though they are look directly at us and because of this we as an audience can then relate to them and be like them.

On the contents page there is an image of three of the boys from one direction. This shot is a mid shot. This shot is used to make them look attractive and make them appeal to the target audience as they are used to appeal to teenage girls as they are a popluar boy band with this age range and therefore are specifically used in pop magzine allowing them to sell. There is also a meduim shot of selena gomez. This shot is used to make her look pretty so other girls will want to look like her and will buy the magazine. Throughout the contents page there are many points such as the use of imagery and text and colour to relate to the target audience which gives a sense of realness to them magazine making it more real.